RBHI provides digital delivery of the FDA-recommended suicide-risk prediction and validated depression and anxiety scales. 

Through a partnership with RBHI, schools can screen 6th-12th grade students for suicide risk and common mental health issues and help them access the care they need to thrive.

Why implement SLTC?

Suicide is preventable, yet it is the cause of 1 of every 5 deaths among youth (CDC). Mental illnesses are treatable; however, the 10.5M youth in rural America often struggle to locate mental health services causing a lasting negative impact (CDC). Untreated mental illnesses, affecting 1 in 6 youth annually, can impair social/academic development and increase the risk of chronic health issues and early deaths (NAMI).

Screening Linked to Care (SLTC) efficiently identifies those students who are suffering silently and rapidly connects students to services not widely available in rural communities. SLTC includes universal mental health screening, virtual same-day check-ins for students with suicidality, and wraparound services (case management and clinical care) to further support students in need of care. With virtual delivery, care is accessible no matter where students live.

SLTC works! RBHI has delivered SLTC 29,000+ times, provided same-day care to 2,100+ Montana students with elevated suicide risk, and added case management/clinical services to increase the proportion of students who receive the care they need. In 2023-2024, RBHI connected 89% of students requesting services to care and observed a 73% decrease in new suicidality and 32%+ reduction in depression and anxiety symptoms in students who participated in SLTC twice.

How SLTC is implemented

Once a school expresses a desire to implement SLTC, the RBHI team shares information to find what will work best for each school. The RBHI team is available to answer questions, present to school stakeholders, and share information about digital screeners. Once schools are ready to screen, the RBHI team works closely with schools to schedule dates to implement screening for students. RBHI provides mental health professionals to see students needing same-day care, provides resources, and helps students access appropriate aftercare.

After screening

After screening students, schools receive a statistical analysis showing the proportions of students with positive and negative screens and other summary data. RBHI provides resources and educational guides for schools. Once RBHI has screened a school, our team is still involved in ensuring students can access care.

Classroom &
Educator Resources

While educators know what is best for their individual classrooms, here are some resources for incorporating mental health and positive emotional regulation in the classroom.

Resources for schools